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Rini Mahi

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  1. Greetings there dear @Green Storm I have to say THANK GOD we are getting some attention in this jungle of Void, One of my many feedback and suggestions is this article (or at least a recolored version "you will understand when you read the article"), AND The other feedaback, is that WE want some recognition and I am talking about the Players who played since the start/launch of BnS and never quited, we want a recognition rewards in-game and on Furoms for sticking by the deep down the game went through, something that will make us stand-out from the rest of the lovely community.
  2. Greetings there Yerraniel, How can I disrespect old players, if I my self an old player and played since launch? It is very respectful and honoring to open those founders pack to only the old players who couldn't pay for it back then and still stuck around and still playing the game till this day like me, kindly don't talk to me like you know my history in this game, They could introduce diffirent color outfits of the founder's packs for everyone who played that long. Regards, Rini Mahi.
  3. I will never lose hope, they are bound to listen to us. ^-^/
  4. If we keep quiet, nothing will happen for sure, so we should keep making noises so they can notice. 🤗
  5. Ohhh, good idea really, maybe they could do a Customizable Outfit for the old buyers and normal Outfit for the new buyers, or as you said a different colour.
  6. Greetings again Wheel, Well if you think it that way, I can say that not giving another chance for Old players who couldn't afford to get the Master's Pack is a way to disrespect those players, 😐 But alas I am not saying that and I don't love flaming or being toxic, 🥰 All I am saying is that it would be fair and fun for both players to get another chance (either to get another costume for an alts, or new costume for those who couldn't afford it), like this you will make both players happy, Not all students have the time or possibility to work due to different Geo-location and work availability in their place of living, 😔 That's the point Wheel, those old outfits truly do feel good for old players, that's why Ncsoft should give this feeling to old players to keep them attached to the game, simple marketing strategy. 🤗 Full Love and Regards, Mahi.
  7. Welp you got a good point there Mr. FearWheel, 🤗 But tbh the game is 6 years old, and the advertisement for the game was good but not that big back then, on top of that most of the players who still play the game today had no job to afford the pack back then ( sadly like me 😔), So I am thinking, out of respect for those players who stuck with the game for this long and to celebrate the UE4 release, it would really make a lot of people happy to get another chance on those Outfits, Titles or Weapon skins, like for example give those players who have played this game for 6-8-10 years a token to buy those outfits, or an exclusive Veteran / Elder players pack that only those players can buy. You really have no idea friend, I love the game so much but I still get really sad from time to time when I see my main character not wearing that Transcendence Outfit I sooo wanted to get, but I had no job back then and I was a student too, feels-sadge-man. I don't mind Ncsoft introducing new outfits, but it still won't feel as good as the Founder's Pack's Master Pack's Outfits, specially for old players. Much Love, and Kind Regards Rini Mahi. 🥰
  8. Give the Thread a like, the more likes the more chance it get their attention.
  9. @Hime I am sorry for the tag, but I just wanted to get someone attention.
  10. Congrats to @Quack Quack for 1st and @Tryptophane for 3rd Big Grats to everyone for winning, ^u^/ and hard luck for the participants. ❤️ Not forgeting a special Thank you to @Mizuki for this fun event, it was so exciting to remember places to find the best spot for this event, I really never expected to end up in top 5, it is Unreal (pun intended) 😛 My reason for chosing this place is becuase of the Sakura Tree in the "Frostscale Basin", it is was a mix of one of my favorite trees + a winter themed area. x3 But hay I am very glad for 2nd place, I will take it with joy in my heart. 🥰 Thanks again Mizuki for this fun event. ❤️ In Game Name : Rini Mahi ❤️❤️❤️
  11. Greetings Dear GMs, I know this question might sound ridiculous, but I just wanted to ask if there is any chance (even it was a teni tiny chance) for the Old Outfits to be avaliable for grab again, for example : Old Event Outfits or Founder's Pack Outfits. And Since the UE4 engine came out, it would be a really nice throwback and also a 2nd chance for your hardcore and dedicated Veterane players (and new players too) who couldn't manage to grab those Old Outfits to get them again. I know those Outfits are exclusive, but think about it for a little, a lot of players would pay for those Outfits (Bundles) without blinking, especially the Veteran players, Like me for example "I would pay what ever price placed on the ( Transcendence ) Outfit if it comes back to the game", And for my reason : is that I couldn't manage to grab the Founder's Pack back then because I had no job to help me afford it, Ever since I started playing Blade & Soul (exactly 9 days after the game launched in the West 6 years ago) I was getting and still get super bummed every day, but to be honest the game was too good to pass on and today BnS is still my most favorite game and the only game that is super close to my heart. Note : I would really appreciate (and I already do appreciate) your hard work if any of the GMs help us out with this one. Kindest of regards, Full Love and Dedication, Rini Mahi.
  12. I did 2 runs a week ago, and the outfit dropped from the 2nd run. I can 1000% confirm this.
  13. That is not the Issue my friend, there are alot of companies who introduce a more stronger and reliable versions of their games, example like Dota -> Dota 2, Another example Black Desert -> Black Desert Online remastered, etc. If Ncsoft going to stick with the 2012 version of Blade & Soul, then it is sad to say (Rest In Peace) Blade and Soul, before they even have the chance to release UE4, and let's talk about UE4 for example, they are SOOOO late that Epic Games are Introducing UE5, there is so little hope for this game to recover from what Ncsoft did and still doing.
  14. Major point: if you got nothing good and constructive to say then say nothing my friend, 1- Self explained. 2- There is a Training Room but there is no Simulations for (Weapons Spec / Badge Spec / Soul Badge Spec / Soul Shield / Acc / etc.) to TEST Damage / Smoothness / Playability before going ALL in into one Path (Wind/Earth/Shadow/3rd spec/etc.). 3- Because when you start a game you give a lot of stuff free but after a year or two you start sucking money from your customers, yeah makes sense. 4- Then that makes them racists for not caring about others than themselves, not to mention it is their game they SHOULD care about others, unless they are racists then that is another story. 5- Then that makes them racists for not caring about others than themselves, not to mention it is their game they SHOULD care about others, unless they are racists then that is another story. 6- Point Reached. 7- Skip I am not gonna bother about this trash system. 8- In EU/NA no one uses F8 to search for Hard Mode dungeons anymore, might as well remove that trash system and make players use the F7 system, which is WAY faster WAY reliable (you can LEAVE the damn party) WAY less loading screens, ETC.. 9- Then that makes them racists for not caring about others than themselves, not to mention it is their game they SHOULD care about others, unless they are racists then that is another story. 10- Install Fraps or any other FPS telling programs, Activate the program, Go inside the game, Check FPS, Press (Ctrl + X) to Disable UI, Check FPS after UI has been removed, THEN come here and reply. 11??- What kind of "purchase seem more appealing." when I purchase Ncoins it takes them more than 12 HOURS to charge into my account??????????????????????? When you want to reply to someone at least have some EXP of the game. :3
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