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Everything posted by Miiyo

  1. @PhoenixMitra Hallo, habe mich bereits gestern an den Support gewandt. Ich dachte mir schon, dass ich keine hilfreiche Antwort erhalten werde. Laut Support erhält man diese Antwort, wenn man sich schon bereits angemeldet hat, aber ich habe bereits beim ersten Versuch (also am 13. Jänner) diese Fehlermeldung erhalten. PS: Bitte schickt euren "deutschsprachigen" Support (in diesem Fall Senta) dringend zu einem Deutschkurs oder lasst zumindest die Antwort von einem Deutschmuttersprachler korrektur lesen. Nicht böse gemeint.
  2. @Hime doesn't even play the game actively, so how should she know what the heck is going on? I'd love to get paid for doing actually nothing... Or just maybe log into the forum once a week, copy/paste the maintenance news and that's it. Easy money.
  3. Idk about you, but instead updating the Hongmoon Store, you should fix the game... The Astromancer won't solve your problems, either.
  4. @Hime First question, though you won't answer: Are you (+ the team) happy with the current state of the game? If you are going to answer this question with "yes", you are insane. Please don't treat the game like trash. It has such a nice story, a really great OST (I mean, I love the character song from the Astromancer), interesting characters and a really good combat system. If you need to interpret the information you get and guess what the future is actually about from KR then... that's bad. Come on, please get a good translator and pay them properly instead of using Google Translator. We all know that Google Translator will NEVER replace a professional interpreter/translator. Can't wait to send you my application to you guys! :V To the questions regarding if you guys are playing the game... It's nice that you play the game but to stay up2date, you should play it more often than once a week/month, whatever. And "being good" is a total subjective point of view. You guys may be good but most of the fanbase won't agree. As I said, it's totally subjective. RU is the country with the second highest numbers of Corona infections (the US is still number one) and they still manage to do a stream. Why can't you do that? You guys really messed so many things up, you MUST improve your service, otherwise ppl will quit more and more. On a funny side: I wrote my thesis about the game, the game translation and the current management and got an A from my teacher. Can I please get future content KR max endgear? :V
  5. Yeah, before you actually fix this issue, I definitely will have my PhD as well :D
  6. Auch auf dem russischen Server gab es keine russische Synchro, weil das wegen der momentanen Pandemie einfach nicht möglich ist/war. Wurde im russischen Stream erwähnt. Das gleiche gilt vermutlich für die deutsche/französische Synchro.
  7. @Shekinah Mein Überthema ist Translation und Protest, wobei ich bei meinem Fallbeispiel auf BNS eingehen werde, unter anderem dem digitalen Protest und die Lokalisierung von BNS, welche ich mit Hilfe eines Analysemodells analysieren werde. Da kommen mir deine Beispiele genau recht. :)
  8. @Shekinah Interessant. Hast du von den fehlenden/falschen Übersetzungen noch mehr Screenshots (allgemein und nicht nur auf das Event bezogen)? Ich würde diese Sachen gerne in meine Bachelorarbeit einfließen lassen (ich selbst habe den Client auf Englisch, deswegen fallen mir diese Fehler gar nicht auf).
  9. Yeah, it's was (unfortunately) predictable that the whales will still keep the 10k.
  10. We will see if they'll fix the event...or not. Okay, they are only fixing the user capacity, so they wont nerf Gold and stuff, I t hink?
  11. And they are not gonna stop or so, because "why should we?" https://www.reddit.com/r/bladeandsoul/comments/eswooh/homra_advisor_amafaq/
  12. iTs wOrkIng aS iNtenDeD and NCSoft couldn't care less, I guess. :/
  13. I actually waited for a proper statement about the XML editing thing too but again, we were disappointed :D
  14. This is some kind of joke, right? But it's not even April 1st. :(
  15. "It's working as intended." Never forgetti.
  16. Do you even play the game by yourself? If yes, doesn't it make you angry that Ncsoft doesn't do any ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ against the current/on-going issues? If you (and your colleagues) truly understand our frustration then WHY are you ignoring and deleting topics? You are just one of the few forum support guys and therefore you can't use your magic to solve the problem, but come on, Ncsoft is getting complaints almost every single day. And I think it will be worse from next week on.
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