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  1. I was also waiting for this change to come from KR, even if it's just extra 20k to stack more, with our current material amount, 30k seems low as well, 100k stack would make more sense, but the 30k is still better then 10k, I also have Soul Stones, Sacred Crystals, hitting over 150k, Moonstones, Elysian hitting over 60k stacks, so the 30k stack would help with inventory slots but I think it's still kind of low stack amount.
  2. It's nice that they sending missing materials, but not all was sent, for example Snowspire Weapon Elusion Stones for IA weapon, I have 3 characters that completed up to stage 50, but only received 3 Evolution stones for compensation, meaning, my other 2 characters are still missing 3 each, total of 6. But I am glad they are doing something to send missing materials instead of doing nothing. EDIT, NVM, I think the Evolution Stones that were sent was not intended, and the amount of Evolution Stones changed from 1 to 2 in Soul Boost was not intended too, IA weapon stops accepting Evolution stones after Stage 7, meaning the extra left overs that you receive cannot be used.
  3. Event it self will end on March 16 and Reward Redemption Period will continue until April 12
  4. I did on 3 characters today, had no issues. Maybe your friend did not fully upgrade the box.
  5. Just to add, Event was suppose to end on March 9, and was suppose to be removed on Maintenance, but because of patch delay, it was not, therefore event was in a way extended to March 16, you can continue doing event as you were doing, you can continue receiving Candy Hearts from Daily Activities, buying Crafting Chest and can continue opening boxes for rewards like nothing was changed, the only thing you may notice is the extra "icon" on these items identifying as expired and will appear in "antique" window, but can be used nevertheless the same way as you were able to use them since Event began. That's pretty much how all events worked in the past, if the update was delayed, no exception here, majority of "expired" boxes can be even opened 2 years later as long as you don't antique them. Just wanted to add this up, as I've seen a lot of people asking same question on Discords, that might be helpful for newer people.
  6. Nice Joke, exaggeration over the top. Some people play slot machine ONCE and win millions, while others spend millions and get nothing, life is unfair, RNG is RNG, no one is forcing you to participate. You may like it or you may despise it, but... Loot boxes do not meet the legal definition of gambling - and are therefore legal for under 18 year olds - That is the current LAW for majority of the countries. Belgium on other hand has passed a law that banned video game loot boxes and therefore NC have implemented measures that restrict real money purchase of items that are random in nature by players located in Belgium, these restricted items no longer appear in the Hongmoon Store. If you are against it, you are welcome to gather everyone who are against it and sign a petition in your country for the government to review it, exactly like Belgium did. Therefore the responsibility for the child gambling lies strictly on parents, if a parent doesn't monitor where their Son/daughter is wasting their money, then they probably have enough to not care or doing bad job monitoring their child activity online. "Saying in General not specifically to NC" If a company sees an opportunity to make money, they will take that opportunity in majority of the cases. Companies strive to maximize their profit. They follow what rules they have to follow. Not because they care about society, but because the laws insist. They break or bend them if they believe they can get away with it, If we were to remove all governmental restrictions on companies, they would quickly take advantage. Not all Employees working in such companies agree, but Companies are run by businessmen.
  7. The faster your RAM is, The faster your RAM can transfer data to the CPU which then transfers that data to the GPU. Slow RAM can disrupt the harmony of your parts and create a bottleneck that lowers your FPS in a significant way, but upgrading RAM won't magically increase your computer's performance by huge numbers, your CPU and GPU comes into play as well, as far as I can see, your CPU is much more weaker than your GPU - RX 470 which can cause limitations when your CPU can't keep up with your GPU which results in your CPU bottlenecking your GPU, but it's kind of common thing to see in Older "Pre-Built" Computers. You can't really blame that people are roasting your rig, it is old, it is indeed very old, I'd say your RAM is little too slow as well even for DDR3 system. Sure, your rig can run the game, at some extent but you will struggle in areas, as your struggling now, I'm surprised that you find your FPS as playable in Raids, but then playable FPS can be subjective for different people, for instance back in UE3 times, most of people found 10 FPS pretty playable, Long story short, you should upgrade regardless, I don't know what your situation is on why you are still playing on an old computer, but it's time to move on, onto something better, as years go by, your rig starts failing even more as it won't keep up. If your budget does not allow the upgrade, than you have to simply deal with the cons that it comes with when gaming, there is no point in you trying to investigate and search underlying cause so you can magically boost your computers performance, the problem is clear, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.
  8. Unless they are holding you hostage and forcing you to buy bundles, then no, you are not forced to buy anything, in fact, I doubt anyone ever buys them anymore, long time ago, when awakened stones were pretty rare to have and they were selling them in F10 and in Today's Specials, people used to buy them as they were arguably worth it, but now, no, if they were to replace Awakened Stones to Mystical ones, then people would buy them again, other then that, stay away from it. It's already been moved to rarer state, before you were only able to receive blue ones from daily activities, then they were introduced in events at pretty hefty price, then eventually they become pretty cheap in events, but even then, I personally haven't bought a single one as they are pretty easy to get as it is and getting other resources such as vials/pet packs were always priority number 1, however, you can now get them more freely from events, login rewards (time to time) and daily activities and some other non efficient ways. So long story short, you should forget about them and play as normal, treat it same as HM levels and before you know it, you will have awakened ones, over time they will become even more widely available as we start to move to Mystical ones a lot easier
  9. Yeah, you can finally stare at the computer screen for 10 hours straight and 10 hours later you'll still be in the queue ^^ that indeed will be fun
  10. If you think Gameforge is better then NCsoft, then you have no idea what you are talking about, there is nothing worse then Gameforge, if Gameforge would over take Blade and Soul, you will literally be able to buy everything, EVERYTHING in cash shop. People think NCsoft is Pay 2 Win? hah, they haven't seen GameForge then.
  11. It's nothing new to be honest, we kind of got used to in receiving recoloured outfits, recoloured weapons with minor changes to some of them, in your case it looks like only Name changed lol
  12. Remove [img] [/img] Blade and Soul Forums doesn't support this code, if you upload a picture to imgur.com just add .jpg / .png which ever you prefer "Like you did" and paste it to the forums or use "Insert Image from URL" function on the right bottom side of the chat, above "Submit Reply" (If you don't add .jpg or any other ending on your link, Forums will not display the picture and insert image from URL forum function will not work.
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