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Posts posted by Ledgic

  1. Normally I don't post anything on the forums and i'm not quite sure whether this issue has been discussed already or not, my apologies if it already has. 
    But due to the unexpected weapon reverts recently, people were very sad, angry and disappointed about the way NCSOFT has handled this situation. 
    I can totally understand that, I was 1 of those people. They should have fixed this from the start. But what angers me and the other players the most is that we, the players have to pay up for the mistake caused by the game/NCSOFT. Why are we required to write a ticket for additional reverts? I understand that many people can't go to the PVE path now after their weapon reverted. 
    Personally I didn't care too much about that. But what did bother me is, I wrote a ticket to revert 3 Pristine Oils back to their materials and vials, because obviously I don't need those anymore since I simply used them to go from PVE path to Silversteel stage 6. And ofcourse, it costed me a restoration token which is pretty much unfair, if NCSOFT never made such mistake, there was no need for such action, but unfortunately we as players have to pay up cause of their mistakes. Now I could have also simply reverted my Mythical weapon back to its original and regular Thornbreaker weapon and then go to PVE path, but i'm assuming that would have costed a restoration token as well, i'm not exactly sure about that one. But nonetheless, the way NCSOFT handled this situation has been very poorly. The least they can do for their mistake regarding this is to give everyone a simple restoration token. 


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