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Everything posted by KyubeX

  1. Apperantly Falling Start should hit 3 times, but the 4th hit only hit once. It's not breaking the game, but it still sad, Please fix it :)
  2. Ok, my gear https://imgur.com/a/SLm10B6 Skill order in that specific video: Blade Call active (V) - RMB (honned slash) - LMB(bleeding edge) - repeat until cooldown is off from Lunar Slash (tab) and used Lunar Slash. It alaways happens if you want to refresh the bracelet effect when its around 0.5 sec or less to expire.
  3. I can provide more of these in action while doing dungeons and such if its required.
  4. My friends was able to reproduce this as well. They noticed on they own without me pointing it out, so this bug definetly exsists. Here is a short video about it. It can happen any time basicly if any other skill is active. At the start of the fight it never happens.
  5. Everybody who is saying bnsbuddy is totaly safe and not bannable reason, here is a quote from a support letter for you: "* Use of VPN's/Proxies * Use of 3rd party programs such as BnS Buddy * Account sharing We do not condone the use or activity of any of the above, and they can result in permanent closure of your account.
  6. i bet its MSP when turle doing the AOE. Just turn off reflext context guide and your problem is solved.
  7. There is a chance that starbreaker bracelet does not active on lunar slash. It's not too often, but it does happen, and its quite noticable.
  8. Apperantly if you delete a screenshot and you confirm it with Y very fast, the game will inmedietly crash.
  9. Truly pay to win event? I've been playing this game for 3 years, and finaly can enjoy some content that only my main character can do. i hate the fact that everything is douable on alts. You litelary cant live without them, because farming on your main character doesn't worth anything. Let the old players who farmed a lot and the "p2w" players enjoy something finally. They always got f*ked by the events, because its worthless for them. And yes, i did not read all what you wrote, because you are just angry for something, that you should not. I can totaly understand, because i hate their "p2w" style in the game, but as for this event, its totaly fine. Only thing is unfair the achivents on it, because some classes barely can do it, while others can do it easily.
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