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Everything posted by Killifishy

  1. Revamping the old content to be "more appealing" would cost a great deal in time and production costs for probably no return on investment. That content would only be really "enjoyable" with a substantial player base actively doing that content, which was the case when it was new and relevant, but there is no way there will be enough new players to fill it up even if they did do a revamp. Even really popular games like FFXIV don't see it's old content utilized outside of the core leveling dungeons via a RNG roulette system which rewards endgame players to que for by offering improved leveling for alts. This system draws from ~7-8 servers which currently have 20-30k active players each. Or by occasionally offering a stat synced version of old content to be temporarily at "endgame." Needless to say this is not going to work for BNS with it's limited playerbase. I'm not saying it would not be cool to see the old content revamped, but it's really not even close to feasible for BNS and the dev team knows it. That said, they are revamping a few of the older dg's and re-releasing them at endgame levels (Chaos Supply chain should be hitting in a few months I think?).
  2. The congestion and subsequent poor performance during Koldrak is a result of it being an easy and fast daily for people to do (and do on multiple characters per day). With the emphasis on completing the "daily" part of Koldrak, most people really don't care about participating in the content if they can still get the daily. The solution to this is really simple. 1) Remove Koldrak from the daily. People that are farming it for garnets/scales will continue to do so and I doubt this would impact peoples ability to fill raids. 2) Replace it with something else that is fast and easy enough for low geared characters. Bring back a Mushins tower daily quest, or even something as simple as the old "Brawl in the Basin" daily. Even the spectral shrine daily is easy enough considering people can duo easy mode if they really want. This likely won't fix all of the performance issues or stop all afkers in Koldrak, but it would likely remove the incentive to afk for many and reduce impact on the servers during Koldrak times.
  3. It's still not that taxing to just level it up the normal way. Besides, solar energies will likely be used to help upgrade from GC 7 to TB 6 with the update anyway.
  4. I mean, you don't need an event to enchant every stage of your gear.
  5. FYI, multiple acc can drop in the same run. I don't believe this is the way drops are working. Even if it were, it's just pure chance if you happen to be in the "right" party position at a given time anyway. The game does not care who has gotten zero drops or who has gotten 8 already. I'm not saying it's a good system or a bad one, but it's not strictly "unfair" for one individual to have multiple drops while another has none (Need multiple drops for rerolls / compound anyway). (Also still in the waiting for an acc drop party...over 2 weeks of nightly grind and still can't get the damn earring xDDD)
  6. If you are going to say how many runs you ran and only got "x" acc drops, you should probably mention the floors you are running. Drop rates go up the higher you are and different acc. are locked behind higher floors. That being said... RNG can be for or against you, I have been farming 41+ for almost the full 2 weeks and still can't drop a single earring while people I run with have had several of each drop. Just RNG in the end. 1k runs and only 3 drops sounds like super low floor farming, even with crap rng I think I have a better run to acc ratio than that.
  7. As a BD main since this game hit NA/EU, BD is not in a weak spot right now, it's not the strongest but it's also not the weakest either. With the recent class balance changes, other specs and classes were brought up a bit making 3rd BD less of an outlier. Lightening BD is currently the strongest of the three specs by a considerable margin when played properly and can pump out more than enough damage. The best part is there are no cheats or macros or simple mode "adjustments" to make it stronger. It's one of the few classes/specs where proper manual play will result in optimal dps.
  8. This is not exactly new or specific to DB. Light BD's Flicker gets buffed by earring but does ~4% of total damage at best (similar issue with wind specs sunder). Asking for balance in this game is like asking for a solution to world hunger, it can be done and everyone claims they want it, but it never happens. I can't remember which spec/class (I think it was earth SF), but they don't even normally use the skill that procs their bracelet...so how about that for balance and sensible choices.
  9. This should have stayed buried because some of it is straight up incorrect. IE) Light BD is one of the least simple-mode friendly specs, period. You lose minimum 30-40% of your damage potential with simple-mode because it can cast flicker multiple times per lightening flash (flicker does almost no damage) and does not allow for animation canceling or weaving which is a massive dps loss. As for your FM question, while nearly every class and spec requires fused soul badges to operate properly, fire FM has high enough base stats and buffs to do considerably more damage than the other specs (with little to no gear)*.
  10. Vault was just expanded in KR. I do agree though, I have hundreds of useless ores I would not mind funneling to alts... but this has been brought up many times before so the odds of them actually listening to their player-base for once, like a decent and successful company, is slim to nil 😕
  11. Almost every new class / spec is busted. Eventually it gets nerfed or other classed buffed to be in line. Same story different class is all. Also, the way Korea ships out patches are in bulk as well. There were changes done to the class, and other classes, that we have not gotten yet which will likely affect overall power balance.
  12. I'm not trying to sayUE4 does not have it's problems...but some of the above mentioned issues may be related to individual PC performance. Most of the complaints about UE4 seem to be from a very vocal minority with most people I have spoken with and run content with praising the increase to performance. Less DCs, better performance nearly everywhere, and all without the need to delete all the localization files to make the game playable. One of the things to account for is the increased strain on your GPU with UE4 whereas the old version relied heavily on the CPU. Try lowering resolution settings and shadow rendering along with the rest of the frivolous graphics settings if you are having performance problems. Koldrak runs much better than it used to for me. Still completing the daily on 3-4 characters when it pops up. Just another perspective on the matter 😕
  13. Both the Korean Dev. and the NCWest team are out of touch with where the game is atm on the western version of the game. Max tier endgame players are complaining everything dies too quickly while doing 40-80+ million damage a second, while fresh Call to Arms players are doing 2-3 million (story gear is so far behind I don't want to think about what that does fresh at lvl 60). When I came back to the game 3 years ago I remember doing about 150k/s in Cold Storage with the story gear (at that time), if you want an idea of how bad the power creep has been.Right now, Koreans are doing well over 100-150m sustain with the gear system we are getting in November with the highest I have seen so far at a 194m dummy parse... So yes, there is a major issue with the damage discrepancies between new and geared players.
  14. I mean, the current state of the game speaks volumes for how well the chosen path is going for BNS. I'm just trying to point out other strategies work and the downward spiral BNS has been on speaks for itself. I'll throw this here for shits and grins if you want an idea of how well other strategies can work. Obviously it's impossible to make an apples to apples comparison, but take compare the active player base or look at the 5 year trend for BNS and it sums up the state of the game. https://mmo-population.com/r/bladeandsoul https://www.gamepur.com/guides/final-fantasy-xiv-server-populations edited for clarity.
  15. The reason a pay-to-win game model is bad is because it is not a good long-term business model. Many of the pay-to-win games from KR struggle to survive on western markets because fewer people are willing to waste money to progress with pixel items. Then when they find themselves unable to compete with people that drop their paychecks on the game, they lose interest and leave. The population in this game has gone steadily down as it has become increasingly pay-to-win over the years. I hear a lot of people acknowledge they enjoy the base game, but hate the company that runs it because it has gotten to the point where you either drop massive amounts of money on the game to stay relevant or grind until you are numb. Even with UE4 at our doorstep I know many people that have little interest in continuing to grind. Having a few people willing to drop massive amounts of money every month may keep the servers up for now, but this game could be thriving if it catered to a broader audience that was willing to spend a reasonable amount on the game for cosmetics or a worthwhile premium subscription. Both of these facets are ignored, one with an almost non-existent rotation of content and the other being incredibly outdated and nearly worthless. The people that are willing to spend massive amounts of money are not necessarily the ones that ruin the game for others so much as the pressure the company puts on the player base to spend money. They make progression increasingly time consuming while dangling the easier method on a golden stick. Just swipe and you can save hours of mind-numbing grind. It's what has been slowly turning myself and the people I enjoy the game with away from the game. There are a lot of reasons games like FFXIV have, on a single server, more players than EU and NA combined, and they have ~20 servers for NA alone. The fact they are NOT p2w is probably high on the list.
  16. Most likely, the problem is that the channel "cap" is way to hell to high to be remotely reasonable. Technically "working as intended." Lowering the channel cap would probably be the best solution. The last temporary AFK zone had the same issue until the cap was lowered if I recall correctly.
  17. The value of premium has been pretty borderline for quite a while now. The only feature I find really valuable is the bank access and extra tab. That being said, not having the bonuses from daily dash definitely tips premium into the "not worth" category. The "extra" bonuses from events have historically been underwhelming so using that as an excuse to remove a feature without adding anything is not sufficient to me. As such, my wife and I have no intention of renewing premium as it stands. As I stated previously, probably one of the best features of premium is the bank access and extra tab, and I feel this could be expanded to increase the value of premium. Moving mats/items between characters on this game is excessively obnoxious. Add a forth tab to the bank that only holds account bound items and is shared between all characters. Mailing items with a cap of 3 at a time is just plain stupidity.
  18. I never said it needed a nerf, only that it's scale drops should be brought in line with the other older dungeons. It was a bad choice to limit scales as much as they did and continuing to make them a bottleneck does not help players stay interested in the game. Repeatedly grinding old content is considerably less appealing than grinding current content. It does nothing to encourage new players to stick with the game or encourage old players so invest more time/money in the game gearing more characters.
  19. Alternatively, they could just buff elder scale dungeons to have acceptable drops. It was ridiculous for them to only drop 5-15 scale fragments when they were released, it's twice as ridiculous now when that tier of gear is largely outdated. The benefit of a nerfed dungeon event would be to make scale farming somewhat reasonable. Most of us have already solo farmed CC hundreds of times to farm scales for mains, it's ridiculous to have to do the same for alts when the gear is outdated already. Elder scale dungeons should be adjusted to be more in line with the other older dungeons, dropping at least one full scale per run. I mean, WC and BC both frequently dropped 2 full scales when elder scales were brand new and onyx scales still somewhat relevant. We are already on the doorstep of an entirely new tier of scales with the next dg release.
  20. It's fairly common knowledge that the PvE path is weaker for the vast majority of classes/specs. The tradeoff is that the path is typically much cheaper and does not require raid mats which are more difficult to farm. Either have support revert the weapon back to raid path or take advantage of the cheaper cost to get to dragonspire 6 and switch back to raid path.
  21. If you can block an attack that would otherwise knock you back...then use your block. Getting knocked back is a greater dps loss than the little bit of time it takes to block an attack and one second is not going to make or break your dps 😕 That's not even considering party wipe from getting range checked in HM...
  22. You know...I did not see any BM's complaining when third spec BM hit and they were top dps by an insane amount... Class balance has never been decent in this game and complaining now because the class you play is not at the top anymore is kinda sad. Rankings are by class and no reasonable person turns away a decent player because of their class so there is really nothing to be complaining about. There are a lot of other classes that have been trash tier for years but people play them because they enjoy the class. Let that be enough 😕
  23. Bumping your own thread two weeks later is not really doing any more than the initial post did. Complaining about class balance did not do any good when 3rd BM was released, or Archer, or FM 3rd all of which were grossly stronger than every other class when they came out. These companies do this to try to get people to re-role to the current flavor-of-the-month. Complete class balance almost never happens so just wait it out. Third spec Summoner already looks like it will be even stronger than 3rd BD after it hits the west. Besides that, BD was nothing but a mech monkey for the most part for a long time because BM just did everything it did but easier and better (this ignoring the fact BD could not even use it's core skills on third boss IA). Let BD players have their moment to shine for once. Some other class/spec is going to outshine them before long anyways.
  24. This bug was addressed earlier this or last week in Korea. Expect it whenever that patch rolls around, probably in 2-3 months.
  25. The Illusion Skills for Death Toll work with the Talent Specs "Death Blade" and "Death Draw," but does not work with the talent "Death Walker." Just an FYI :S
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