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Everything posted by Estellia

  1. Pvp is dead only because it doesn't cater to new players or people wanting to learn pvp. Only people that are in pvp, atm, are veterans who know what they're doing and people who have downgraded for easier wins in pvp. You're better off pvping against friends, or something, in open world and or practicing in practice pvp until than.
  2. Meese, some people want to do it alone, that's the thing. Random people often are toxic and give you crap, or just take your items even though you used your orb to get in. Some people have done this in lfp as well.
  3. Very cute, I love the first outfit. It makes her look like a mini dragon Princess.
  4. You got your wish, already. Warden is pretty easy to beat now. You just CC then and keep them from regenerating.
  5. Dressed for business, have to get serious sometimes... while looking cute.
  6. I see that the game only is dying because of the community itself. Most people will blame things on the Devs and NcSoft, however; more people make people quit then not. Every time I turn around someone is telling someone to quit, I've seen someone making fun of someone else telling them to kill themselves and someone laughing at someone else's bad luck and that same person complain that NCsoft is doing them wrong but have the latest items while everyone else onlooking is trying to catch up even to that. It might be some of Nc's fault but it's more of the unfriendliness that the community pushes out. Only a handful are good people.
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