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  1. I'm pretty sure they know, there is even a video showing it. They just don't care, especially since those using it pays a lot. Kind of sad but don't expect them to do anything about it.
  2. Bought 257 pet pods, got nothing back. I guess the biggest exploit was buying pet pods from F5 / Faction Chat and not keeping thousands of pets on alts. It's good to know that they can take any item they want from your inventory without any reason. @Hime, I really can't figure out why you refuse to give back the gold/mats from those who bought pet pods.
  3. I just got an answer from the support saying "As mentioned in our forums post, we won't be reimbursing gold used to purchase pet pods from the Marketplace." I thought you forgot this matter but it looks like you are well aware of it and you choose to ignore it. I don't understand your reason for punishing those who bought pet pods from the marketplace or anyone else, since some weren't even aware that there was a problem ( that could have been fixed months ago ) with the Moontide outfit. If this is your last word on this matter, I think a lot will be disappointed, once again. This topic should have been handled with caution but it feels like the decision about the fix has been taken in 5 minutes. You don't punish those who abused it for months, you don't punish those who abused right after you explained everyone how to exploit (only a small part), you don't even punish those who got all the outfit they wanted (even if gameplay-wise it's not a problem) since to atone for deleting everyone's outfit you just give them back. You only punish those who abused and kept pet pods and those who bought pet pods from the marketplace without even knowing the issue. Many don't trust Ncsoft anymore, as it can be seen in this thread. I have nothing against you @Hime, but I can't trust what you said about looking for each person who will PM you for two reasons : 1) The removal of items would never have been that sloppy if you had the means to tell which outfits/pet pods were eligible to be removed. And it tells a lot more about the company if they had the means to check it, it would be laziness at its finest. 2) The support just told me that the gold used for buying pets will not be reimbursed, despite it being the less risky fix for this problem. I understand to some extent that you don't want to give back the pet pods. But it's unfair toward players who bought these. Even if you give back the Soulstones used in transmute it would still be unfair since they wanted to buy pet pods, not Soulstones. And yet, I'm sure many would appreciate to at least have the Soulstones instead of the pitiful 5 gold per pet pods they had. If you seriously think that it is fair to say "You bought 100 pet pods for 8k gold? Let us remove these and give you 500 gold instead." to your players I don't know what to say. I hope you will understand that a fix about this matter is needed and that the actual fix is disappointing, to say the least.
  4. Give back the soulstones, it's just unfair otherwise. By the way, you removed Pet Pods made / bought before this exploit happened. What are you going to do about these ? I don't think anyone would be happy to pay 200 gold + to be rewarded with only 5 gold. I really hope you understand that this "fix" is far from enough.
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